

Distant Vision 
{original premise}

Alex and Ramie

You hear her calling from across the distance between you. See a vision of her in total darkness and danger.

What would you do if you knew your true love mate was in impending danger? You would move so called heaven and hell to get to her, help her, save her. The problem is you live light years away from her and she doesn’t even know your world exists.

What would you do then?

For Alex of the Light Power the distance between he and Ramie isn‘t as far as it seems. His people have mastered advanced quantum FTL the power of faster-than-light speed energies. The difficulty is in convincing the alliance to let him go, because on her world how to use the quantum hasn’t been discovered yet…

Planets of the Light Power Alliance

Stay tuned more coming soon


© copyright Kaye Manro 2016

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