Hmm, makes you wonder what kind D'Argo has, doesn't it? (pictured at right) Just look at his ahh, sword...
There is such a great discussion going on over at Shelley Munro's blog today that I just had to mention it here. The topic? Paranormal Penises. Yes, that's right, I said penis. Barbed ones, bigger than life ones, even two on one body ones.
Okay, so I don't usually go into that much detail here on the subject of penises but this is a grand topic as my alien character, T'Kon has a rather interesting one of those himself! I'm not giving away his secret just yet, but suffice it to say his is slightly different than an ordinary human penis. Now does that mean better or worse entertainment for the reader? It's hard to say. It all depends on what you want from a penis, or a story. Writers and readers of erotic romance are going to have their own take on this subject. So let's all think about it. I certainly welcome any comments you can add here. And do check out Shelley's blog:
Sorry from me too, Kaye, but I'm with Dianne - I also had a chuckle...
Great post though.
Well, girls it really is chuckle worthy for sure! I meant it to be that way. I'm glad you liked it.
I've never thought about paranormal penises before. I'll have to go and have a look at the link.
LOL - I think it's a strange topic and warrants a laugh or two. Kaye, you've made me curious. Tapping foot impatiently...
Do check it out, Debs.
Shelley, actually what a great topic. Yes it does have its funny side for sure. And I'll keep you posted on the hero with the cool penis. Thanks for sharing.
Add me to the list of people who want to read about your hero's extra something, Kaye! ;)
Hope you aren't as buried under with snow as I am right now. :)
I have read some interesting ones, Kaye. The one that sticks in my mind is the series of books (I won't say which series, LOL) where, at each full moon, the hero sprouts an extra one. All I'm saying...;).
Ok, from all of the paranormal romances I have read the penis has always been the same, more satisfying in some cases. And yes, I also had a laugh and I am really curious about your hero!!!
LOL. I had a good giggle when reading Shelley's post! And it is a fascinating topic (I can see I'm not alone in thinking that!!!)
I'm still trying to work out what a hero would do with an extra penis. Where would it be positioned, for a start, and what on earth could he do with it while... entertaining his heroine??
Hummm? Paranormal penises on a video blog? I don't think I'll be able to keep a stright face for the 2 minutes to tape it. But I could post some great graphics. Humm? Okay... shooting over to read what Shelly has been up to.
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