
Coffee Time Reviews FORBIDDEN LOVE

Remember when this released back in May? I'm so excited to share with my fellow readers and authors the Coffee Time Romance review of my sensual little SFR eBook

This is an interesting review, and earned four cups by one of CTR's highly regarded reviewers. It is great to know that SFR authors are out there and getting noticed. Another great thing-- FL is now available at Amazon and is on Kindle! I'm so pleased and impressed.


Reptilian specialist Dr. Maya Belle loves spending her days studying and caring for her beloved scaly desert friends. However, the government uses this desert as training grounds, and she fears for their existence as much as their safety.

Scouting missions like this are part of the reasons T’Kon of Asconage loves space travel, but it did not take long to realize that this planet is not ready to meet his people. They are a violent and combative species, and he sees no reason to interact with them.

Everything is going according to plan as T’Kon readies his craft to leave this solar system, when suddenly he is plummeting to the planet below. As Maya recovers from the freak sandstorm, she finds herself looking at the embodiment of her greatest dream and desire. This…man/alien is absolutely the most amazing creature she has ever laid eyes on, and for the first time in her life, she feels a soul-deep connection unlike anything she has ever experienced. T’Kon is struck by the same heady sense, and the feeling that this human female is everything his body craves, but how can they ever be together when they are worlds apart?

This quick read is as hot as the desert sun and just as scorching. Maya takes to her alien like a duck to water, which may seem odd, but when in relation to her profession feels almost natural. T’Kon is much more of a mystery, and one that I would love to see unfold in episodes to come. If you enjoy sci-fi combined with some blistering hot romance, these two are sure to rock your galaxy.

Lori Gardner
Coffee Time Romance Reviewer
FL did generate some fantastic attention. Here's a question for those of you who have already read FORBIDDEN LOVE

Did this reviewer hit it right on, or is there somehthing else you would have said or added?


(This review is cross-posted from SFR Brigade)


Linda Banche said...

Congrats on the great review, Kaye.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

That was a lovely review, congratulations Kaye.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Kaye.:-)

Catherine Bybee said...

Awesome! Congrats.