So here we are, well into summer here in the states with July moving on fast. I love the summer months and wish I could draw them out, make them stay—long languid days and short steamy nights, sultry heat rising up from the earth and misty humid mornings when the sun burns off the fog a few hours after dawn. Blue skies with red orange sunrises and pink purple sunsets— sweaty wet bodies that chill down in the breezes of an evening shower.
What’s not to love? I set some of my stories in the sultry heat of summer and use it to mirror the sensual heat developing between my hero and heroine. This mirroring technique is fun to do. The weather can play an important role in a story. You can use it as a backdrop for the heated emotions playing out between characters. Here's an example I wrote this morning.
...Yearning spread through her hotter than the sweltering medieval morning. She closed her eyes taking in the rousing heat of him. When she looked up, the blue in his eyes darkened. His damp body brushed so near, his fingers touched her, grazing across her lips. A breath caught on its way to her throat...
I may love summer, but some people don’t like hot steamy days and prefer chilly stormy fall, or the warmth of a waking spring, even the frigid cold of winter.
What is you best time of year? Does it have anything to do with how you create your stories? Do you ever use weather as a setting for character emotion or other plot elements in your stories?
You could share an example from your own work with us.
What’s not to love? I set some of my stories in the sultry heat of summer and use it to mirror the sensual heat developing between my hero and heroine. This mirroring technique is fun to do. The weather can play an important role in a story. You can use it as a backdrop for the heated emotions playing out between characters. Here's an example I wrote this morning.
...Yearning spread through her hotter than the sweltering medieval morning. She closed her eyes taking in the rousing heat of him. When she looked up, the blue in his eyes darkened. His damp body brushed so near, his fingers touched her, grazing across her lips. A breath caught on its way to her throat...
I may love summer, but some people don’t like hot steamy days and prefer chilly stormy fall, or the warmth of a waking spring, even the frigid cold of winter.
What is you best time of year? Does it have anything to do with how you create your stories? Do you ever use weather as a setting for character emotion or other plot elements in your stories?
You could share an example from your own work with us.
I love the different seasons of the year, but especially the spring and summer when everything comes alive and then we have the long, sunny (hopefully) days.
Living in So. California... we get two seasons... Fire and Hot. Okay... maybe not ONLY that. We do have spring. Sometimes.
I love fall. Summer has its place but Fall is for me.
I truly love all the seasons for different reasons. Spring and Fall are so nice in Houston. Winter is a refreshing and thankfully brief break from the normal heat. Summer is full of blue skies, but also holds the promise of tumultuous storms.
I don't knowingly use the weather in my stories, but I can definitely see the great tie between hot, humid days and sultry nights to a steamy love story!
I loved your excerpt, Kaye. Great use of the weather and the emotion was just as hot. :)
Fall's my favorite season. I love it with an unreasonable passion, LOL September and October are the months I look forward to all year. And October culminates in Halloween, a holiday as spooky and drenched in mystical tradition as it is fun.
Nice excerpt.
I like fall the best, with the heat of summer gone (I hate humidity!) and the days cooler. I especially like the leaves turning color in the fall, and I like pumpkins.
I don't know if I use the seasons so much in my stories, but I do have stories set at Halloween and Christmas. I also make use of the phases of the moon, especially the dark after moonset. Lots of things happen in the dark. LOL.
I love spring and summer. I'm not much of a winter girl although having said that I do miss not having Christmas in the middle of winter. It's not the same with the sun blazing down!
I do sometimes use the weather to reflect the emotions in my writing; a turbulent sea, an approaching storm. It can definitely give an added layer.
Winter's my favourite - crisp frost, snowy days, roaring fires...
I'm hanging out for some warm weather. We've had low temps and lots of rain here this winter. Only a month before we go to Singapore and Thailand. That should thaw me out!
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