His culture is way far technologically advanced than ours. He's an explorer and First Contact Diplomat. He spends a lot of time in his small one-man spacecraft light speed jumping through the Event Horizon, studying and sometimes rendering aid to planets and cultures on the cusp of deep space travel.
It's about time he met his heroine, don't you think? She's from a planet much like our Earth, called Terrain. The cultures there are just about ready to give space flight a shot, though they have spent way to much time and energy warring amongst themselves.
My hero ventures into the Terrain Solar System near the Orion Nebula because his long range sensors detect their emerging technology so he goes to investigate. He takes up a distant orbit in his cloaked spacecraft, but it doesn't take him long to discover that the beings of this world have a way to go before they are ready for an authentic alien encounter!
When he prepares to leap back through the Event Horizon, something happens to his spacecraft and he spins out of control. He makes an emergency crash landing on Terrain. Of course he aims his craft for the nearest desert basin. Guess who is in the desert near where he crashes researching wildlife habitats? Right. His heroine. She hasn't exactly been waiting for him, but here he is, almost in her backyard. What happens between them is, well very interesting to say just a little. Stay tuned. You'll be hearing lots more about my space hero and heroine soon...
And while we are on the subject, I must congratulate my friend, Linda Banche. She just finaled in the Eppie Awards with her Regency/Sci-Fi Romance, Lady of the Stars. Yea, Linda!
And I haven't forgotten! I'm posting all the Best Opening Lines everyone has sent to me on Wedensday the 18th!
That sounds like a story I want to read, Kaye. Write fast. :-)
I'm with Shelley. Sounds good to me. And thanks for the congrats.
Ooh, sounds wonderful, Kaye, looking forward to reading more.
And congrats to Linda!
Sounds very intriguing, Kaye! Look forward to hearing more about your hero and heroine!!
And congrats to Linda on finalling in the Eppies - fabulous news!
I love this story kaye. I can't wait until it comes out so we all can read it!
This is fantastic! I love true sci-fi romance, not only with the h/H love story, but the cool outer space themes like light speed jumps and all. Okay, so I'm a big fan of SGU. FTL is becoming a household word for sci-fi buffs because of this show! Good story, and great timing for this one, Kaye!
Your story sounds fascinating. Keep writing.
Thanks everyone! It's a fun story to research and write!
Hi Kaye!
I enjoyed reading your story. Definietly write fast, lady! It sounds awesome! Plus, I bet it's really fun to write.
Thanks for sharing!
I agree with everyone else, Kaye...your story sounds wonderful! :)
Also, huge Congrats to Linda!
So does your hero go where no man has gone before with your heroine? Interesting premise. May the writing force be with you. :)
Sounds wonderful - I love stories set in another world :o)
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