
Happy Holiday!

Here's wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Happy New Year!



Pushing The Envelope

I've thought about it and that statement does leave some open ends.

So what the heck does it mean, anyway? Every time I read the guidelines for erotic fiction, I see the words, pushing the envelope and I have related that to explicit sex scenes. However, I feel it means much more than the ability to write edgy graphic sex.

Pushing the envelope is not entirely about what you can pull off or get away with sexually. I've read erotic stories that have good sex but the plot is nil or not there, the characters flat. I didn't like it. I love deep characterization, no matter what level of sex the story contains.  

I study a lot about developing characters and I read this somewhere--  pushing the envelope is also about taking your characters to another level of conflict, about challenging their self-awareness. It should be about forcing them into taking a stand or making a choice or defending their decisions. It’s about showing them a pleasure that changes their lives forever. Maybe that’s the real test of boundaries, the real show of edginess, keeping it all about your characters no matter what."

When you think about it, that's the way it should be for all good writing. So what are your thoughts and ideas on this subject? Does anyone have more to add?
